Contact us

At Banque Populaire, we are particularly attentive to the quality of our service. For any complaint or other request, the account manager and the director of your branch are your preferred contacts. You can contact them through the channel that suits you:

If your branch does not respond to you within 40 business days, or if you are dissatisfied with its response or the solution proposed, you may contact the head office of your region’s Banque Populaire to have your request reconsidered or send us your complain by writing to the following address: Complaint Tracking and Management 101 Zerktouni Boulevard, Casablanca.
If you are not satisfied with the Bank’s response either, you may refer to :
- The Moroccan Bank Mediation Centre (CMMB)
- Al-Maghrib Bank, 115 Paris Boulevard, Centre Ville, Casablanca

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